Do Not Grow Complacent

The Trap of Complacency — Dan Foster | Building Champions, Inc.
Back when I began this blog in July of 2018 (closing in on 2 years now), I made a promise to myself that I would never write anything on here that was overtly derogatory towards anything--especially in the world of politics. There was then, as there is now, enough negative criticism going on in the mainstream media that I felt no need to add to it. However, recently events and news headlines have at last compelled me to break that rule.

This past week, our own President-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named made a demand of the Supreme Court of this country. He instructed the Judiciary Branch to strike down the Affordable Care Act. I touched upon this on my most recent podcast episode, but I feel the need to explore it even further because it pisses me off so much.

Now, the great orange windbag going after the ACA (otherwise known as Obamacare), is nothing new. His administration has made attempts to overturn and strike down this bill ever since they took power in 2017. Thus far, the only success he and his cronies have had in undermining the ACA's effectiveness is to eliminate the "individual mandate," the tax penalty levied at citizens who did not have healthcare. 

As much as I loath him and this present government, I'm actually glad they did this. Penalizing citizens who can't afford premiums is not a good thing, in my opinion. However, the rest of the law had enabled 20 Million Americans to be able to afford some form of Health Insurance; 20 million more than could before, especially due to the mandates within the law that made it illegal for insurance provides to deny people insurance due to "preexisting conditions."

But now, he and his cronies have returned to that battleground with this latest news. My personal hatred for the Oaf-in-Chief and his fellow deplorables aside, my real reasons for hating this course of action is twofold. 

One, at this point, his attempts at overturning it are simply due to petty revenge. It's no secret that our current POTUS loathes his predecessor, Former President Barack Obama. This, of course, dates back to his support of the "birther" movement when Obama first took office, only for the antagonism to increase when Obama made fun of him at his final Correspondence Dinner. So, once he got into office, it became obvious that his goal was to eliminate anything and everything covered with Obama's politic fingerprints. This started with his orders to his head of department of education to allow Trans students to use whichever bathroom aligned with their inner identity, and then moved on to the ACA.

Two, and more importantly, is that the COVID-19 pandemic is still ONGOING. For a President to wish to deny the citizens (including the portion of the population who actually voted for him), to want to deny 20 Million Americans (1/16 of the total population of this country) health care in a time when they are hurting financially the most and will be in need of health care the most, is abhorrent. It's a crime against humanity. It's irresponsible. It's immature. And, to bring it down to basics, it's wrong and evil. All out of petty revenge. 

It would be one thing if him and his supporters had a replacement plan in place, but they don't.

It would be one thing if him and his supports had plans to enact legislation that would help those presently still hurting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but they DON'T.

So, now, I speak to anyone who sees how irresponsible this is and how wrong it is. I urge you not to grow complacent. I don't care what the polls say. Polls don't mean shit. They didn't matter when he won before, and they won't matter after. What matters is votes. Your votes. 

With the election 6 months away, I urge you to go out and vote. I urge you to urge others to vote. I urge you to see exactly why we, as Americans, cannot afford another 4 years of this sort of irresponsibility at the very top of our nation. We are still a Democracy, and in a democracy, the people decide who stays in office. Don't be passive observers of your own destruction and the destruction of your country. Take initiative and make your voice heard. 


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