An Open & Rude Message to Pissed-Off Progressives

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Briefly, I'd like to talk directly to my progressive brothers and sisters who are pissed off about Joe Biden being the Democratic nominee for president. Let me just say, I feel your pain. Biden was not my first choice for the head of the liberal ticket either, but he's the one we've got.

On principle, I'm a progressive liberal who believes in a lot of the ideals put forward by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. 

In practice though, and I must admit this, I am a pragmatist. I do not believe in pissing and moaning about not getting what I want because I'm fully aware of one fact: life is not fair. We don't always get our heart's desire, but we have to keep living. In addition, we have to keep living in a way that helps this country move forward (even if it's only by inches).

So, if you're feeling upset, disgruntled, or at all peeved that Biden is the head of the ticket, I get it. I feel you. However, if you're so upset at the Democratic Party's choice that you're considering:

A) Not voting at all

B) Voting for a third party candidate, 

C) (God, or Whoever's in Charge, Forbid), Voting for Trumpy, 

Then may I offer a frank opinion? A better option for you would be to take your voter's notice and use it to light your barbeque pit. 

Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't do what you're planning on doing come November. I have no delusions about changing people's minds. You're going to do what you're going to do, no matter what I say. That said, if what you're planning on doing is any of the three above actions, then let me just say, you're a fuckwit.

Not voting is in a sense voting for whoever you want to win less. Inaction is a choice. If you lower the voting body by not participating, by not exercising your right (and duty) as a citizen, then you're only helping out the person you hate more.

Now, the Green Party and the Libertarian Party are legitimate political parties. They've gotten on the ballots in many states, so I'm not saying they aren't potentially viable options. All I'm saying is that they're not viable options NOW. Why? Because so few people know about them. They have little in the way of national support. Not enough people in the country at the moment even know these two parties exist in America, let alone who's running under their banners. Yes, you may exercise your right to vote, but voting for a candidate who has a French Fry's chance in a Red Robin's of making the cut is fucking pointless. Whether we like it or not, we have TWO major parties right now, so casting your vote with a third who DEFINITELY WON'T WIN, just because their ideals match yours is equally as pointless. You may as well not vote. 

Finally, if you're even...considering...the idea of helping to keep that Neon Orange Imbecile in office just because the other major party didn't support the candidate you wanted, then...I pray (and I don't pray), that God has mercy on your soul. That is the most spiteful, selfish, and downright stupid thing you could possibly do. Because the party you backed didn't do things your way, you're just going to defect and support the SOB who definitely won't do things your way. 

Okay, Judas. You do that and see what another four years of this shit does to this country. Big Business will keep getting fatter. The middle class with get royally fucked out of existence entirely. Racial Hatred and Police Brutality will continue to sweep across this country like the social pandemic they are. And most of all, the Planet as a whole will continue to be decimated by climate change because one of the most powerful countries in the world is doing nothing to help mitigate it. 

Of course, that's just my two cents. This November, do what you want. Whatever wind you end up sowing, you'll reap the succeeding whirlwind. I certainly know what I intend to do this coming November. After that, I'll either celebrate or ride out the oncoming hurricane, just like I always do.


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